RM Bridge Modeler Help

Cross sections

A bridge usually consists of varying cross sections along its axis. To make the definition of their geometries (can be very complex) easier, RM Modeler offers an interactive CAD (see wcross ). The construction results in a FE mesh of plane elements that is assigned to the segment points. This definition is used for the creation of the element - cross section rmexp .

Work on cross sections

The input of the different objects of a cross section (construction lines, elements, ..) is done in the cross section window and is described there.

Cross section list


Insert a cross section

A new cross section can be defined in the cross section list by using the Insert before and the Insert after tools. All cross sections are sorted alphabetically in the list. Hence, both symbols have the same meaning.

Modify a cross section

A selected cross section can be changed by using the Modify tool. A corresponding input window will appear.

Delete a cross section

The selected cross section in the list can be deleted using the Delete tool. A confirmation is requested.

Copy a cross section

The selected cross section is copied to a not yet existing cross section. A window for entering the name of the new cross section is proposed.

Activate a cross section

A cross section is active if its name appears in the edit box. Select the cross section in the list and press OK. The list is closed and the selected cross section is active.